Aerial Photography Social Content Creation

Created 13 years ago with a friend, documentary filmmaker and camera operator Todd Moencreated Catch Magazine, an online fly-fishing journal that highlights the best fly-fishing photography and video shot by contributors all over the world. The centerpiece of the magazine is a fly-fishing production that Moen films, edits and produces himself. 

Eddie Bauer Sportshop Film

Aerial Photography Social Content Creation

Orvis & The Fly Shop The Rio Grande is renown for fly fishing and for its massive populations of very big searun brown trout. In fact, some consider it to be the world’s best sea run brown trout fishery on earth. Two years ago, The Fly Shop invited me to […]

Lee Wulff: A Remarkable Life

Aerial Shortfilms

Lee was the most talented outdoorsman of the 20th Century. He was multifaceted, progressing from earning a engineering degree at Stanford before moving to Paris to begin a career in the fine arts. Later, his prodigious talents gave him world renown for writing, filmmaking, hosting television shows, flying, inventing, exploring […]

River of Life – Breast Cancer Awareness

Aerial Shortfilms In 2015/16 Todd Moen captures the reflections of 3 women dealing with breast cancer while out fly fishing on the waters of the Pacific Northwest. The narratives of Barbara Schmierer, Trisha Campbell and Carol LaBranche connect the struggles of wild, native fish with the challenges these women face in […]